Gianfranco Frattini is part of a group of architects who began to work in Milan around 1950. Despite having professionally traveled different paths in terms of tendency and training, these young people were all equally committed and participated in the turmoil that affected city life in those years, in its economic, social and cultural problems. In fact, those were the years of the frantic post-war reconstruction, which had until then concentrated the interest of architects on questions of architecture and urban planning. In the industrial cities of northern Italy and especially in Milan, production sectors were developing alongside construction, to which the attention of professionals began to turn. Gianfranco Frattini then began his profession; it was the time of the first Triennali dedicated to the problems connected between industrialization and the home, and the consequent beginning of mutual collaboration between designers and manufacturers. The designers felt the need to interpret their thinking, to solve the problems of a society undergoing renewal with more suitable means than those that craftsmanship could offer them. Some producers were beginning to understand that only with an efficient and modern organization, and with a high-level collaboration, could they prepare to face the market demands in the future, which the changing conditions were profoundly modifying.
The experience of Frattini, who has dedicated a large part of his profession by collaborating with some of the most famous Italian manufacturers in the furniture sector, was nevertheless highly formative for him. Especially today, observing his latest interior architecture works (conceived, studied and designed down to the last detail), we understand how he was able to deepen his concrete and real knowledge of certain problems in their intimate, structural and technological essence. Only a long and patient internship, and a really direct contact with the producer, could in fact allow the safety and freedom of expression achieved with the subject matter. But let's go back to Frattini, for the moment, in his work as a designer for series production. In the models he designed (both the upholstered groups and the furniture series produced by Bernini) a rather unusual fact is striking, in the typical product of industrial design. They are mobile, that is, very