Vincenzo DE COTIIS

Vincenzo De Cotiis was born in Gonzaga in 1958. Graduated in Milan at the Polytechnic, in 1997 he founded his studio and later the gallery. De Cotiis is a multifaceted artist, architect, designer and artist, who makes material and reuse the distinctive element of his work, complete with signs and wear, capable of giving a unique and indistinguishable flavor to surfaces and works. De Cotiis' ability also lies in knowing how to combine different materials, by nature and substance, the warmth of wood, the ductility of metal, the preciousness of marble, the technical features of the resin ... an always different and unique combination full of charm that underlines the high technicality and craftsmanship that only a minimalist artist of her caliber can impress. De Cottis has also designed several interior projects, where he shapes spaces with poetry, translating them into a container of matter whose architectural space harmoniously dialogues with the furniture, becoming one. Vincenzo De Cotiis has also participated, with his works, in various and important international design exhibitions, such as Pad London, Basel, Design Miami, Dubai ... /

Design Week, inauguration of the F.T.B. Vincenzo De Cotiis for Busnelli, Milan 2011 - Elle Decor service April 2013_photo / static scenes by Giovanni Gastel, on the left F.T.B. by Vincenzo De Cotiis for Busnelli / Photographic exhibition by Giovanni Gastel, Palazzo della Ragione in Milan, curated by Piero Lissoni, Year 2016 - Elle Decor Service N ° Year ... project by De Cotiis for a house on the outskirts of Milan in "Brutalist" style - Golden Cage bookcase in precious brass, Ceccotti Collezioni production /

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